Spellcheck your Websites with Firefox

Came across an interest bookmarklet to invoke Firefox’s built in spell checker everywhere on a website. It’s quite easy to install. Just drag this SpellCheck bookmarlet to your bookmarks toolbar and presto. With one click the entire page gets spell checked. You can even right click on highlighted words to get suggestions.

There are some limitations. Once you click the bookmarklet links will cease to work. Although a quick reload of the page will bring it back to normal. Also spell check suggestions don’t seem to show up in certain areas of your page which utilize popup content. I haven’t yet figured out how to trigger the popup and then click the bookmarklet because as soon as I leave the popup area to head towards my bookmarklet the popup disappears. Still this simple bookmarklet has already fixed countless errors on my pages simply and effectively.

Strangely Interesting 404

Looking through my 404 logs I came across an interesting entry.

(compatible; Googlebot/2.1;
+http://www.google.com/bot.html)||2009-09-19 03:49:11

I thought it odd that google was trying to reach a page on my website that seemed to be an advertisement.

I think this is a rather unique and somewhat shady marketing trick. atoall.com seems to have generated a list of bogus links for literally thousands of websites. They did this so that Google would find these invalid links in hopes that more astute webmasters like myself would find them in our 404 logs.

Running a google search for this page results in about 5,500 hits. Every single one of them leading to a 404 page on various websites.

Sneaky Sneaky. Hopefully Google will catch on and put a stop to spamming via their bot.