Wolfenstien Enemy Territory – Anti-Noob Guide

For those of you in the dark, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory is a free multi-player online first-person shooter available for Windows, Linux and MacOS X. Just download, install and your on you way. But wait, do you really want to be a newbie? Read on to learn how not to be. Best of all nothing on this list requires any skill except for reading comprehension.

  1. Go completely through the options. You should click every button in the menu with the Play Online button being last.
  2. Be fair, pick the side with less players. When it’s even you get to choose.
  3. Remember your playing with other actual living breathing people. Don’t be silly stupid. Don’t run around killing everything that moves. There is an actual game going on. This is not a free-for-all.
  4. This is not good guys verses bad guys and whoever gets the most kills wins. There is an objective to every map. Try to learn it. If you don’t know what to do, follow others. If the guy you were following gets lost follow another one next time. Learn names and remember who the good ones are. If you really want to learn, go spectator. You can follow every other player, or hit space bar and just fly around. Follow those players you just figured out were good. They know some sneaky cool stuff.
  5. You can pull up that map while playing. You did go through your options didn’t you?
  6. You can click on your gun in the spectator screen to change it. You can click on the 2 beside it to change your second gun. To the left is a map, it’ll look Greek to you for awhile, but look back at it next time around and see if you can’t pick things out. Remember there is an objective.
  7. There are certain weapons that can kill multiple people at a time. Before you know how to use them they are too dangerous to bother with. Don’t be the jackass that just killed your entire team and lost the game. This is essential to prevent teamkills!
  8. There are different classes. Try to learn the basic function of each at the least. Keep the class system in mind as your playing. If there are two medics in an area do they really need a third? Maybe the reason the engineers aren’t getting in is because they don’t have proper support. When you begin to figure out objectives take a look at the limbo menu and see if your team needs something else.
  9. The number keys and scroll wheel change weapons. You should already know that because you went through the options. Learn where and what every weapon for your class is before you fire your first shot. This changes every class.
  10. Don’t block doorways and hallways.
  11. Panzers can be shut off by leaning. Check your options to learn how to lean. This is essential to prevent teamkills!
  12. Don’t go near the front of a motar launching soldier. This is essential to prevent teamkills!
  13. Stay behind Panzer wielding soldiers. This is essential to prevent teamkills!
  14. MG’s (Those big machine guns in tanks and at different spots) are deadly too. Stay out of the way of teammates lying down on the ground with a deployed mobile version.This is essential to prevent teamkills!
  15. Axis wear black clothes, Allies wear brown. Know what team your own and aim for the other color.This is essential to prevent teamkills!
  16. Aren’t machine guns cool? Not only do they fire repeatedly over and over, but they can also fire just a few shots. Don’t pull the trigger unless the enemy is in your cross hairs. Learn how to fire in bursts.This is essential to prevent teamkills!
  17. The compass on the top tells you where your nearby teammates are, what condition their in and other important information. It spins around like crazy because so do your noobish Bambi legs along with everyone else. Stop for a second and figure it out. If your a medic this will tell you exactly where to heal people. As a newbie you can save the day very early on if you are a medic who knows how to read that. Stay behind like a chicken and rescue people as they die. They will beat the level, but it will be because of you.

Have anything to add, feel free to comment.

File-share don’t File-steal

The companies hate it, people love it and no matter which side your on it’s a huge topic. It wasn’t always this way. Sure the major companies have been worried about stealing and sharing for awhile now but because of the advances in technology it has become a severe genuine concern.

Back in the day we still watched our movies without paying full price for them. It didn’t happen as often but you’d borrow a friends copy and watch it. We all have that one friend who is an avid collector of movies and has a huge collection that we peruse through just to ask to borrow.

There was no worry about getting caught. In fact I’m not even entirely sure this is illegal. In addition this process had some added benefits. A conversation would typically start out “Was this movie any good?” leading into a “Can I borrow it?” if the answer was positive. After we returned the movie we would have a discussion about it if the movie warranted. I remember grand conversations about FightClub, Harry Potter, and recently 300.

So I ask you, quit going to those websites we all have quick bookmarked and flat out stealing the files. Instead I offer the following ways to continue sharing your music, virtually eliminate the chances of getting caught and also maximizing your success of viewing quality cinema.

Trade with friends

Call up your buddies and ask them if they own what your looking for. Let them know they can borrow your stuff any time they want. Offer to trade temporarily something of equal value if you are worried they won’t return it. And last but not least always return your friends items promptly and in the same condition as you received it.

Set up a private FTP Server

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It’s the original way to download files. They install easily on WindowsXP and Linux. Give your friends an account and ask them or help them to set up a file server so you can enjoy as well.

Set up a private HTTP Server

For the more technically advanced you can set up an HTTP server. This has the added benefit of being able to show artwork or descriptions if you wish. Setup accounts for your buddies and again ask them to do the same.


While large movies will probably cause issues because of file size, music emails fairly well nowadays. Write your friends and ask them to send you a few songs you like and return the favor. Your email client may block certain types of files, but if it’s like most this block is quite ‘dumb’ and can be easily side-stepped by renaming the file extension.

Instant Messengers

Most instant messenger clients have a way to transfer files. Please note some of them might require additional setup on your router to get working. Refer to the instructions on your particular client to get this working, then IM your friends and start leaching.

Snail Mail

People don’t write much anymore it’s a shame really. Let’s stop that and start sharing the old old fashioned way. Ask your friends to mail you a loaned copy. Start your own personal NetFlix. What makes this nice is the Post Office has a cheaper rate called Media Mail which can be used. Be sure to ask for it when your at the counter. Send multiple movies to save money.


It may shock you to know your public library most likely has movies too. Some have quite a nice selection and many have a way you can check online. If you don’t live in a big community check out neighboring cities. You may have to pay a small fee for your library card but usually this is less then the cost of a rental.

Let’s stop file-stealing and start file-sharing.