Security Snafu Two

Another one from the company my girl works for.

Customers are able to password protect their accounts in order to prevent social engineering attempts and such. Usually this process goes as well as normal passwords go. However in this case if the customer doesn’t happen to have their password they need to go out of their way to a store and verify their ID to get it changed.

Many times representatives for the company are forced to send a customer to the store even though clearly the mistake was the companies.

You see the password field the representative had to type in had no confirmation field. Sometimes a speedy rep would race through the form and be off in filing it out. As a result the date or an odd account number would end up as the password instead of what the customer requested.

This error has been fixed recently. But the lesson is clear: ALWAYS double verify new passwords. Even more so if your expecting your customers to jump through several hoops to reset it.

Odd Programming Languages

A Piet Program
Piet Program

A few weeks ago a ran across an old bookmark outlining the esoteric programing language Piet. I spent a little time trying to grok this language along with a few others that I had run across.

Normally when any programmer decides to tackle a language such as this it isn’t for any purpose other then education and perhaps masochism. But I believe it helps in thinking outside the box and it provides a groundwork for greater programing topics such as Turing completeness.

I originally thought I’d write a simple list of odd programing languages I’ve found, but shortly into my search for languages I ran across a wiki about esoteric programming languages which seemed to do the job for me.

But just for fun I’ll post a few languages I’ve run across in my time.

A language created by Urban Müller so that the compiler can be made as small as possible. He succeeded in writing a 240 byte compiler and others have since written some that are less then 200 bytes. Brainfuck consists of eight commands notated by the symbols <>+-.,[] all other characters are ignored.
A tounge-in-cheak language which was designed to be as unlike any other programming language as possible. From the manual: ‘The full name of the compiler is “Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym”, which is, for obvious reasons, abbreviated “INTERCAL”.’ To give an example the ‘PLEASE’ modifier in INTERCAL provides two paths of rejection. If a programmer does not use the modifier often enough the program is considered rude and will not run. If there are too many the program is considered too polite and will not run.
A language whose programs are written to look like abstract art. It utilizes eighteen colors which are cyclically related with the hue and lightness of the color, along with black and white which are used to control program flow.
Whitespace is a language which uses only spaces, tabs and newlines as its commands unlike other languages who usually ignore these characters.
A language designed to be as difficult as posible. The name is from the eigth layer of hell in Dante’s Inferno.
A new joke language which is actively being developed.