Bookmark Roundup 3 – Foursome

It’s just getting too much. I have a ton of tabs open on the ole browser.

Smarty is a template system for the web. I’ve been thinking of incorporating it into some of my projects but I know nothing about it. Anyone used it before?

I filed Issue 362 for SumatraPDF to show my commitment to updating their installer a bit. There is already one done at Issue 192 but it really seems hectic.

Editing the Windows XP Boot Menu seems pretty easy. Just edit the boot.ini.

I’ve got a router with DD-WRT setup with DNS-O-Matic so I can filter out certain sites at OpenDNS. I’m trying to set up a address with all that jazz.

Two Computers with Shared Keyboard and Mouse

Ok so I totally geeked out over the weekend. After spending an entire day working on a slipstreamed XP installation and backing up and wiping drives, my family was a little upset at the computer parts strewn across the floor. Unfortunately I didn’t have a longer cable so I ended up stretching a cable as far as I could. I ended up fixing this issue by bridging connections and using the wireless on my laptop as an internet connection. But I knew I needed to take it a step further.

You see I don’t have a spare mouse and keyboard. When I’m working on another computer I simply use the mouse and keys I have tethered to my laptop. But after I set up the new computer now snug across the room out of the family’s way I found myself very much wanting a normal mouse and keys for my laptop.

After some searching I came across Synergy an open source, multi-platform, network keyboard and mouse sharing program. Unfortunately it has been out of active development for a couple of years now. That didn’t stop it from working like a charm once I had RTFM’d.

To save you some trouble I’ll let you in on the gotcha’s. Basically what you do is download the Synergy program to each of the computers your going to share. In my case this new desktop had the keys and mouse connected to it so it was the host computer. On the host computer you need to configure screens and links. It’s a little confusing but once you know the trick it’s easy. Synergy identifies computers by their computer names. So in my case I’ve got a computer named desktop and one named laptop. If your not sure of your computers name just right click on My Computer and choose properties. You’ll need to add a screen for each computer. Now once your screens are in place you need to add links. For my purposes I have a link set up that looks like ‘desktop is to the left of laptop’ and another set up that says ‘laptop is to the right of desktop’.

Now if all goes well hit start on the host computer and it should fire up. Next on the client computer, in this case my laptop load up Synergy and just connect to the host. You can apparently use the computers name to connect but if that doesn’t work you can use the local ip address of the host computer. To easily get this information on the host computer go to a command prompt and type ipconfig.

Hopefully if all went well you should now be able to zonk the mouse all the way to the right and presto. Your keys and mouse should now work fine on the client computer. If you have any problems check out this longer tutorial at LifeHacker.

So now I have two computers side by side, sharing internet, mouse and keys. Pure geek.