Dare to Dream

I had this dream last night
Where everything seemed right
As I walked upon the field
I looked at flowers stopped and kneeled
and smelled the pretty fragrance
breathed in their calming incense
I wish I could have shared
If only you had dared

I had this dream last night
With blue-green neon lights
Music pure within the air
into the reaches sat and stared
and basked in all the glory
I heard the joyful story
I wish I could have shared
If only you had dared

In Technicolor red
and pink and blue and white
I had this dream last night

I had this dream last night!
a brilliant perfect sight
of fantasy so unreal
Yet seemingly made of steel
Wrought red upon my mind
Quenched but just in time
I wish I could have shared
If only you had dared

If only you had dared.


Silently hoping and
Lightly wishing for
Enough time to
Enjoy the
Paws of Morpheus.
In his wonderful world
Nobody ever
Gets any wake.