Small Linux Roundup

I recently ran across a few 500mhz machines and I took it upon myself to try to make the most out of them. I knew from experience that XP could be shoehorned on but would run like a snail. Anything less then XP is just annoying because of the lack of features. Besides in order to be legit I would have to hunt down or buy a license.

So I brushed off my Linux skills and started to get to work. Nowadays most Linux distributions come on Live CD’s. For those who don’t know, a Live CD actually loads up the entire operating system as the installer. From there you can use the computer with limited resources to run straight off the CD. No harm comes to your pre-installed operating system unless you install to the hard drive. So there really isn’t any reason not to try these out today.

First I tried Ubuntu. I’ve successfully installed this with VMWare on my computer and really loved the user friendliness. But after several long, long, long waits for the Live CD to load I decided Ubuntu was just a bit too much for these machines.

I then started my journey into small Linux distributions, and I thought I’d share my experiences.
Continue reading “Small Linux Roundup”

Technorati Wuz Here

If you don’t know about Technorati yet you’ve been living under a rock. Not only does it generate a nice chunk of traffic to your blog, but it also offers you insightful statistics about your site.

It’s super easy to sign your blog up. Just grab an account and then insert your blog address. From there you have the option of pasting a link in a post like this or giving up your name and password for them to double check your in charge.

I didn’t feel like handing over my goods, so that’s the real reason this post was written.