Windows Media Player Query Strings

I had wanted to provide an option to connect to lower bit rate streams on my webcasts that used Multiple Bit Rates (MBR). After a bit of searching I found my answer.


The WMContentBitrate modifier sets the maximum bit rate that can be streamed from a source, in bits per second. So you can simply set the number to be a bit higher then the stream your targeting and direct users where you want them.

There are many more modifiers that can be used with Windows Media Player. For a brief overview check out this article from Microsoft on additional query strings. For a more in depth discussion try Using URL Modifiers.

No Memory for Desktop Icons – Vista Rant 2

This just bothers me to no end. Three major revisions of an OS and not a single programmer thought to put some sort of memory or control on the location of your desktop icons?

It doesn’t matter if your using Windows 95 or the latest offering. If your computer should happen to crash, or your monitor changes resolution or sometimes it seems if you sneeze the wrong way your desktop icons end up all messed up.

Is it that hard to program around these things? You’d think this would be an area they would have actually improved on in vista.

I guess all that value packed DRM code they implemented was more important.